Welcome to Vedika More

Hi there!
This is Vedika I am a Bharatnatyam artist, and welcome to my website Vedika More. Here you can find out more about me, my hobbies & of course, my journey with Indian classical art Bharatnatyam!

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Dance Performance3
WhatsApp Image 2023-04-21 at 6.13.17 PM (2)
WhatsApp Image 2023-04-22 at 1.51.51 PM
Dance Competation
WhatsApp Image 2023-04-21 at 6.13.18 PM
WhatsApp Image 2023-04-22 at 1.42.28 PM
WhatsApp Image 2023-04-21 at 6.13.18 PM (1)
Dance Performance4
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The southern Indian state of Tamil Nadu is where the classical dance style known as “Bharatnatyam” first appeared. One of the most well-known and traditional styles of Indian classical dance, it has a long history and significant cultural value.

The hallmarks of Bharatanatyam are expressionistic hand gestures, nimble footwork, and beautiful movements that tell a tale or convey emotions. Over time, the dancing style has changed due to influences from numerous places and civilizations; however, its beauty remained.


From ancient times Bharatnatyam has been performed to worship the god. However, with time, even the river changes its direction. Nowadays, it is performed by Artists as a part of the tradition as a part of art.

This type of dance form requires rigorous training and practice, focusing on mastering the intricate footwork, hand gestures, and facial expressions. The dance is accompanied by classical Carnatic music and rhythmic beats, adding to the beauty and complexity of the performance.

My Journey

My Journey with Music started at a very early age; for me Bharatnatyam is like a friend from age three who is always there in my sorrows and happiness. It is an art that has bound too close to my heart!